Gambar kejadian tanah runtuh di kajang

Landslide hits orphanage, seven children dead.

KAJANG, May 21 Seven children were killed when a landslide almost buried an orphanage in Hulu Langat near here this afternoon. Firemen and villagers…

UPDATED @ 06:00:11 PM 21-05-2011
May 21, 2011

KAJANG, May 21 Seven children were killed when a landslide almost buried an orphanage in Hulu Langat near here this afternoon.

Firemen and villagers managed to pull out several others who are critically injured. They were sent to Kajang Hospital.

Initial reports said the landslide hit the Rumah Anak Yatim Al-Takwa in Felda Semungkus, 14th mile Hulu Langat at about 2.30pm.

The orphanage houses about 30 children. The four caretakers there have yet to be found.

Senarai nama mereka yg meninggal dunia pada kejadian tanah runtuh semalam..

1) Mohd. Kamarul Amizan, 11

2) Nurahimi Rosdi, 14

3) Dzahir Haziq M. Muin, 11

4) Ahmad Lokman Hakim, 11

5) Farid Ibrahim, 34

6) Mohd. Azret Azahari, 8

7) Wan Ahmad Hasril Hazim, 11

8) Zahid Assawal Zamri, 19

9) Mohd. Mustakim Mamat, 12

10) Mohd. Naerzein M. Nor, 8

11) Mohd. Aiman Abdullah, 10

12) Shahrul Nurimran Adnan, 9

13) Mohd. Zaim … See moreAzahari, 14

14) Mohd. Imal Fahad, 9

15) Mohd. Riezman Ab. Latif, 9

16) Mohd. Hazim Sapri, 10

Bersamalah kita sedekahkan Al-Fatihah untuk Allahyarham2. Semoga Allah s.w.t menempatkan mereka dikalangan org yg diredhai oleh-Nya. Al-Fatihah !!!


Cr to : ®

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